Kathryn Hodgins Freelance

Content Writing

Engaging and informative content is essential for capturing—and keeping—the attention of your target audience.

When someone scans a website, social media feed, or their inbox, it takes only a split second for them to decide if they're interested in what’s being offered—whether it’s a product, service, or information. If they don’t find what they need immediately or aren't engaged, they'll find what they’re looking for somewhere else.

With over eight years of experience in Marketing and Communications in both the private and public sectors, I write engaging, informative, and succinct content for any industry and target audience. 

I specialize in writing content for:


What do all great writers have in common? Even they work with trusted editors!


Whether grammar isn’t your strong suit, English isn’t your first language, or you simply want to ensure the style of your writing is consistent, having an extra set of eyes to look over your work guarantees your writing is flawless.


With my extensive background in Marketing and Communications, I will not only ensure your writing is perfect in a technical sense, I will make sure it effectively speaks to your audience—whether it’s academic, a specific demographic, or a broad swathe of the general population.

Examples of the content I most often edit include: